Welcome Home!

Imagine you take away everything that distracts you from being who You are!

Imagine 4 days without your phone, without any device, away from your residence, from your job, away from people, away from your habits.

Imagine spending days and nights being aware of your body, mind and Soul nestled away on a hilltop of the beautiful White Island , being in the middle of the woods surrounded by wild nature !


Breath clean Air and take in good Energy!

All your essential needs being taken care of in the best possible way!

Culinary Treats!

With the option to be gently accompanied by a coach if desired!


for you to be able to completely

disconnect from your busy life 

and connect  with the purest and harshest authenticity of yourself!

A little journey for you to remind yourself of the essence of your existence where your inner voice is the protagonist!

You wanna go?

Modern life conditioning 

and modern life standards distance people from their self awareness  and from their connection to their inner truth.

we might feel lost!

authenticity and clear boundaries  are rarely shining through persons characters, so they can’t comfortably  trust the decisions  made in life.

The „Gut Feeling“ is an adviser that almost never coincidences with the „Should-Burden“ we are heavily carrying.

There is so much out there…

So much information, so many methods, so many therapies, philosophies and  courses we could attend to work on our flaws in order to find that sensation of freedom we are craving.

We have to be careful and honest with ourselves and not get trapped by another attempt of putting layers of  conceptualized theories that inhibit the clear vision of who we actually are and what we actually want in life!

We first need to learn how to BE still?

We can change our perspective by stepping back or even out of unconscious places.

Putting ourselves in more conscious places means:

To STOP!!!

isn´t it funny how kids logic surprise us with a knowledge we have never taught them?

It´s because they know what we have unlearned:

To be PRESENT!!!

Our capacity is still within us though, it never left us, it´s just hidden.


Come …

and be present with me… Here on this Hilltop, where Heaven is a little bit closer!


“the tranquillity and beauty of the breathtaking landscape allows your inner voice to become clear and loud again..”

Andreas Roßmann

“Your Happiness is proportional to the amount of unnecessary thoughts you manage to ignore, so concentrating on essential and grounding ones opens the door to least resistance and simplicity… This was my experience up here on the mountain! ”

“Philip H.”

“Das sind unbeschreibliche Gefühle der Glückseeligkeit…versüsst durch Mayas grosszügiger Gastfreundlichkeit und ihren Kochkünsten! Ich freue mich schon jetzt auf das nächste Weilen auf dem Berg!”


“J'aime les montagnes. Le fait d'être accompagné d'une manière aussi attentive vous permet de vous fondre dans la nature de manière organique et vous rappelle votre essence!”

Audrey R.

“In a desperate need for a break as a software engineer, spending 12+hrs in front of screens 5-6 days a week, this little get away was exactly what I needed, I could not recommend it enough!”

Tomas H.

“Just do it ;) !!! “

Maya M.D.